Tranquileyes Features and Benefits
Chronic Dry Eye Kits
Tranquileyes Dry Eye Kits produce a moist heat hydrating therapy and/or cold compresses
If you are experiencing dry eyes, using the Tranquileyes Dry Eye Kit will benefit you. The moist heat compressing will loosen hardened oil and debris that is clogging meibomian glands. A continuous moist heat compress for at least 10 to 15 minutes daily will preserve your meibomian glands and help maintain healthy function of the glands. It is essential to having a controlled heat of 38 C to 42 C and moisture to melt the waxy build up while hydrating your eyelids. This will help the meibomian glands secrete oils and keep the oils flowing if they are plugged. Studies have shown that controlled heat and moisture help stabilizes the tear film and maintain the flow for the glands to function normally. You may want to see your Optometrist if you are requiring further treatments such as a gland expression.